Hello Dolls,

tarting a feminine hobby is a great way to tap into your femininity and maintain a feminine, inspired lifestyle. You can see these feminine hobbies in action during my Housewife Diary Vlogs. I ensure that my daily life schedule has a proper time for me to dedicate my time to myself and interests.
Watch my TOP 10 Feminine Hobbies featuring clips of the feminine hobbies in action from my Housewife Diary Vlogs!
Feminine hobbies should be realistic and practical in your life.
That should help you avoid starting a new hobby, but then never continuing it. When it comes to feminine hobbies, you want to be intentional about it. Yet, you never want it to be forceful, where a feminine hobby doesn't fit your schedule or it doesn't excite you as much as you thought it would.

So, I encourage you to stick to feminine hobbies that naturally spark your interest. Consider a couple of these feminine hobbies that may take you out of your comfort zone. Try a new feminine hobby at least 2x before crossing it off of your list.
Remember to choose one that works for you & your lifestyle. Some of these feminine hobbies are ones that you'd do 1x a week, multiple times a week, or even once a month. Keep your mind open and keep your schedules open too!
Be sure to choose at least 3 new feminine hobbies. Try to get a good diversity of feminine hobbies, from a daily hobby, to a weekly hobby, or even a monthly one.

This is a traditional hobby that you won't regret starting. Whether its hand sewing or using a sewing machine, this is a hobby that you begin and the outside world is shut out until you finish.

I highly recommend you starting off with a small project like making a pillowcase, table runner or placemats. Get a hang out of the basics before committing to garment construction.
In the same family as sewing, knitting isn't only for the fall and winter season. You could also knit table mats and table runners.
Knitting's sister and the cousin to sewing, crocheting is another alternative to the other creation-makers. You can also make heartwarming home decor or lightweight garments for the spring and summer season
A woman's penmanship is less-talked about, but it can say a lot about a lady. Consider taking up the art of calligraphy and have fun creating postcards, writing letters, or creating art for your home.
A life skill for us all, but an exceptional talent that makes a lady shine. If you're new to cooking, start of with your country's classics or your home's daily favorites made by mom or grandma.
If you have a sweet tooth, then this one is perfect! Knowing how to create at least one good dessert is essential.
I have easy & beginner-friendly baking recipes on the blog. You'll often see me bake during the Housewife Diary Vlogs.
Consider taking a baking class to kickstart your baking journey!
Share your interests, write out your thoughts or opinions and inspire others! With proper planning, you could turn your blog into a business.
Horseback Riding
An active hobby is widely needed for all feminine ladies. It's good exercise, its relaxing and you have the opportunity to bond with the horse and learn how to properly care for it.
Flower Arrangements
A feminine woman is notably compared to a flower.
Creating flower arrangements is a fun chance to beautify your home, learn about new flowers and exert your creativity.
Done within 15 minutes depending on your bouquet size. This is one of my weekly feminine habits, that never gets old.
In my Housewife Diary Vlogs, you'll see me stopping at the farmer's market for my weekly fresh flowers for my home.
Mentor and help younger girls in your area. Be a good example for them by being your best feminine self!
Lower your phone & pick up a book!
Join a book club, in-person or online, which is a good way to meet others.
This year, I'll be starting a book club for us feminine ladies! Subscribe to stay updated on new announcements for the book club!
Choosing small areas of your home to decorate can be a relaxing and creative feminine hobby!
This is another beauty interest that you can turn into a hobby. Just like with the makeup, you can attend seminars, live shows and classes demonstrating this feminine hobby!
Nail Design
Another therapeutic beauty interest that you can spend parts of your week doing. Start off with regular polish or learn how to do nail art, acrylic nails or gel. Plus, you'll be able to save money every month rather than going to the salon ;)

Another traditional hobby that every feminine lady should try. You don't have to have a full garden forest. It only takes one plant to start!

The process of applying makeup is quite therapeutic for many and it can be an act of self-care.
Get to learn what compliments your facial features! I have many luxury beauty recommendations and videos with me applying my favorite makeup products!

A true feminine and elegant art form, which can help you become more in tune with your body. If you've always been interested in ballet, consider taking a beginner class! Learn the basics and have a good exercise.
Interior Design Planning
This is a hobby that may turn into a business! Start with your own home, take on a position part-time, or help others! Go deeper into interior design by learning the basics about putting together a breathtaking room.
A feminine woman is organized and polished, so why not sharpen your organizing skills. As I state in my previous blog post, learning how to be organized can create a refreshing and aesthetically-pleasing ambiance in your home. Read books about organizing and tidying up!
Ballroom Dancing
A classic form of dance that has been somewhat lost in this modern world. Consider taking a weekly class or a one-time monthly class! As a feminine and elegant woman its important to learn how to properly ballroom dance.
Cake Decorating

A fun reward to baking! Bake your own cake or practice with a store-bought cake. Cake Decorating can be done alone or with your loved ones!
Acrylic, watercolor, oil, painting can be very relaxing and a creative way to express your feelings. Painting classes are becoming more and more popular!
If you have a knack for drawing, don't dismiss this a feminine hobby! Sharpen your skills and create art for your home or loved ones.
Refurbishing Furniture
This is a good form of exercise depending on the size of your furniture piece. I had a friend who refurbished furniture for fun with her sister and due to their popularity, they turned it into a business! Their pieces were even sold in local stores.

Another feminine sport that you shouldn't knock until you try it! I went to a women's golf event and I was able to meet other ladies and have a bit of fun with a sport I wasn't familiar playing.
Tablescape design
Creating table arrangements is one of my favorite seasonal feminine hobbies. As you've seen in my Housewife Diary Vlogs, I have so much fun planning, shopping and decorating my dining room table for all 4 seasons.
Event planning
If you light up when it comes to the thought of planning a birthday party, special dinner or wedding, consider taking up event planning! This could turn into a career or you can look for a part-time position at a locally-owned event planning business.
One of the best ways to capture a memory, an experience and paint a scenery around the photo to encapsulate the feelings involved. I highly recommend you do this for your wedding day, college or high school years, special vacations or any other momentous occasions!

Start your own bullet journal, diary or personal thoughts! Dedicate time out of your schedule to spend a couple of hours journaling.
Show gratitude and love to your loved ones by creating holiday cards, thank you cards, or family newsletters.
Such a fine feminine hobby that causes you to slow down and reflect on your day, thoughts or feelings.
Just as I enjoy taking pictures for my blog, I also enjoy taking nature pictures in the park. Choose your subject, get inspiration from Pinterest and set aside weekly time to explore a new area and take your pictures!
Start a YouTube channel of your own, create a short-film or edit videos for others!

Another hobby that may turn into a business! You can buy candle-making kits to get started and enjoy your homemade candles during your self-care routine.
Collecting Antiques or other interests
Collecting dainty things of personal interests is a thoughtful feminine hobby. Antiques, vintage makeup, magazines, jewelry or pieces of home decor is a treasure hunt can dedicate your time to.
Infuse your soaps with flowers, essential oils or milk and enjoy them at home or gift them to a loved one.
Tea creation - The art of tea is a beautiful thing to learn. To take ot a step further, create your own tea blends and host a tea party!

You can make essential oil-based perfumes or perfumes from scratch! A similar way to enjoy perfumes is by purchasing vintage perfume bottles and filling them with you favorite fragrance!
One of my favorite active feminine hobbies. Join a tennis club whether you’re a beginner or experienced, find a partner & incorporate exercise in you schedule!
Piecing together outfits for yourself or others is a darling way to learn about color theory & allows you to get to know your body type!
The other distant cousin to sewing, knitting & crocheting! Create gorgeous, feminine creations on new pieces or old clothing to revive it!
My Personal Favorite Feminine Hobbies:
Cooking, Recipe Creation, Sewing, Makeup
Flower Arrangements, Baking
Throughout the Month:
Antique Collecting, Sewing (1 project a month), A Seasonal Sport
What feminine hobbies are YOU most interested in?
Are you excited for the Book Club? Share some of your favorite books that we should read in the book club!
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Let's Chat Dolls.