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Make a VOW to your Home: Housewife 101

Hello Dolls,

At the end of the day, as a homemaker I find myself searching for a feeling of accomplishment within my daily homemaking tasks. I like to end my day feeling like I was productive and I properly tended to my home.

Unfortunately, not every day ends perfectly. Things come up, I forget to do something or my schedule gets moved around. Its those busy days, where there are a million things to do, but so little time. I want to accomplish everything, but by the end of the day it feels like I accomplished SO LITTLE. I know many homemakers could relate to that.

This year I want to feel harmony within my homemaking tasks.

I want to be able to conquer those PLANNED and UNEXPECTED tasks. Although I have a schedule, many things may stop my planned routine. Being adaptable is an important trait when it comes to being a homemaker.

So this year, I made a simplified homemaking routine

for those days when life just happens.


Make a V.O.W. to your Home.

This is my Homemaking acronym that I pivot to, when the day has truly gotten away from me.

When unexpected tasks pop up in my day, I shift my schedule to adapt.

Whenever I feel like things are not going as planned, I now concentrate on My Homemaking V.O.W.

V.O.W. stands for: Vacuum, Organize & Wash dishes.

As long as I vacuum the main part of my home,

choose one thing to tidy up and organize,

and I make sure the dishes are washed at the end of the night,

then I've done my homemaking duty for the day.

This allows me to simplify a potential overwhelming day.


The mindset is,

As long as the unexpected task is completed

and the basic homemaking tasks are completed by the end of the day,

I will still feel accomplished.

The concept is,

Instead of trying to juggle all of the planned homemaking tasks

with the unexpected tasks, you simplify it instead.

The plan is,

I will clear my pre-planned homemaking schedule for that day.

Instead, I will conquer the unexpected task that popped up,

then end my day with V.O.W..

The reward is,

I won't feel overwhelmed during the day. I won't feel unproductive. I will feel accomplished by the end of the day.

It's about prioritizing and working smarter as a homemaker.

If I still have time to complete some of my planned tasks, then I will.

I switch the priority over and adapt my day to the unexpected task.

Usually when something pops up I find myself trying to complete the unexpected task and it competes with my other planned tasks.

This could lead me to feel overwhelmed, unaccomplished and I end up putting too much on my plate which leads to me accomplishing nothing.


Your Homemaking V.O.W. may stand for different tasks.

Choose the basic necessity tasks within your home that will help you feel accomplished at the end of the day.


ORGANIZING Task Examples

organize the...





Common Areas



OTHER V.O.W. Examples





Feel Free to switch out the V.O.W. tasks for ones you find fit for your homemaking needs!


This simplified homemaking schedule has truly saved my days. Learning to adapt to changes is an important part about being a homemaker. I'm happy that I found a solution that allows me to be productive and feel accomplished as a homemaker.

What does YOUR V.O.W. stand for?

Try your Homemaking V.O.W. this week and share your experience with us.

I'll be sharing my homemaking schedule and talking about V.O.W. in my upcoming Housewife Diary Vlog.

I'd love to share some of YOUR experiences with V.O.W. in the vlog!

Comment your V.O.W. and your experience below!

Let's Chat, Dolls.

Always with Love,

Ebony Nikita Okeke


to dolls from Ebony Nikita .png
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