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Intentionally Loving & Caring for What You Have - Diary Entry

luxury feminine vanity makeup and perfume

Hello Dolls,

Learning to value my things and personal areas of my home has really helped me. As I mentioned in my Homemaking Habits video, taking care of my items ranked low on my To-Do list, compared to my other homemaking tasks. As a housewife, its very easy to put other things before your own.

In my Day in the Life of a Housewife Vlog, I shared my thoughts along with cleaning and organizing my personal feminine space.

Before I would put cleaning my vanity, below cleaning my husband's study, vaccuuming the living room or organizing my pantry. Sounds small, but this mindset continued and I eventually always ranked my things and areas of my home at the bottom of my To-Do list.

This lead to my things in need of long-time, overdue maintenance .

It also lead me to spend less time with my loved items & spaces.

AND the worst one, especially for my husband's wallet, it lead me to want MORE & MORE NEW THINGS!

I realized, since I wasn't caring for my things as needed, I started to spend less time with them. It wasn't as appealing to me as when I first bought them. I was ready to move onto the next new shiny thing.

This happened with my makeup (the packaging really needed a good touch up), the tangled necklaces in my jewelry box and my headache of a closet which became less and less functional for me. Shoes were jumbled and hidden in random shoe boxes that I forgot about. This led me to yearn for the latest 'newer styles' which didn't turn out to be as unique in my closet as I thought it would be.

This was ALL because I chose to ignore my personal feminine spaces & things around my home, since everything else is much more important. I would tell myself, 'yeah, I'll get to that by the end of this week', but then the weekend would come and go. Then it would be pushed back to next week, and the next and the next.

tea and books and flowers

Slowly, but surely, I felt like my once adored vanity space & reading area needed a MAJOR UPGRADE or a renovation of sorts.

Yet, it really needed weekly maintainanece like every other area of my home.

If I can torture myself, I mean prep myself, to reorganize my pantry every week, then I can also make time to reorganize my vanity drawers, vacuum my rug in my reading area or wipe the makeup smudges off of my makeup packaging.

et Voila!

The makeup looks new again, the room looks refreshed and I'm able to be grateful for what I have. Instead of looking up new shiny items to add into my space, I look for more functional (but still cute of course) pieces to enhance my everyday use of the area or items.

Now since I've learned to make it a top priority to weekly maintain my personal areas and items, I feel a better sense of completion, personal joy and appreciation for what I have.


My beloved areas of my home would be my reading & editing space and my vanity area. That's where I spend a lot of my me-time.

Where's yours?

If you love doing your hair & makeup, it may be your bathroom or your vanity area. It may be on your porch, where you like to get fresh air and read.

What is a hobby or collection of things you like to do & have in your home?

Be sure to personalize and upkeep the area for your own enjoyment.

Value your space, because as homemakers, we take care of our home and our things & areas are apart of our home.


to dolls from Ebony Nikita .png
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Hello Doll,

Welcome to my little darling world of femininity and elegance.

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Housewife Diary Vlogs, Femininity Tips, Feminine Fashion

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