To: Dolls
From: Ebony Nikita Okeke
For: Happy & Successful Mornings

Hello Dolls,
As a housewife, the mornings are a big part of me fulfilling my role. This is the time when I'm able to make my husband's mornings peaceful & more enjoyable. I am able to set up my home to be clean, warm and welcoming for me & my family. This is also the time for me to start my day off the right way. It's easy to sleep in and go through your day carelessly.
Yet, consistency and discipline offers the greatest reward.
In my Updated 6 a.m. Morning Routine Vlog, I share with you my new homemaking routine from the time I wake up, until noon. This new morning routine has helped me stay productive & have a peaceful, enjoyable morning that I look forward to.
Here's How You can Create Your Own
Productive & Practical Morning Routine:
1. List Everything You'd Like to Accomplish in the Morning
Ask Yourself these Questions:
What does a productive morning routine look like to me?
What do I want to accomplish in the morning?
What healthy habits do I want to start?
Jot down your answers. This will make planning your morning easier. You get to choose what you dedicate time to when you first wake up. This is the perfect opportunity to establish healthy habits.

Don't forget to include morning chores or tasks like washing dishes, taking a shower & other daily tasks you have to complete in the morning.
The bonus of waking up earlier, is the ability to accomplish more within your day
Morning Activity Examples:
Dedicated Bible Study
Dedicated Reading Time to a Book of your Choice
Morning Workouts & Exercising
Enough Time to Cook a Healthy Breakfast
Leisurely Time
Morning Hobby
Morning Walking or Jogging
Completing more Chores
Running Errands or Small Tasks
More Time to Primp & Ready Yourself for the Day
2. Make it an Experience
Waking up early, shouldn't be dreadful. This morning routine will be one for you to truly enjoy & WANT to stick to. For which ever tasks that you're planning to include in your morning, make it an EXPERIENCE.
Brew a cup of coffee to go along with that book. Sit by the window & read. Play light & calming music to get your day started.
Make mornings appeal to you.
What movie have you seen where the mornings look relaxing? Watch other's morning routines & pick out what you like from theirs. Build your own DREAM MORNING.
Here's my past Housewife Diary Vlogs, where I share my peaceful morning routines with you. Get some inspiration!
3. Give Yourself Enough Free Time
Although we have these tasks & activities we'd like to accomplish at the end of morning, you have to be PRACTICAL. A big part of a productive morning routine, is the practicality of a keeping up with your routine. If its constantly go, go, go, you probably won't be excited to keep your new routine going. It would be hard to keep up with & it may make you feel worn out. Along with the rest of your planned activities, be sure to give yourself at least 15 minutes of leisure time or add an extra 5 minutes to each activity.
4. Choose the PROPER Time to Wake Up
Sounds simple right? Yet, this is where most morning routines FAIL. Allow time management to come into play. Based off of what tasks you'd like to accomplish in the morning, you have to choose what wake up time allows you to do so.
I roughly estimated how long each activity would take. I gave myself extra time on each one to be REALISTIC. After I counted all of the time each activity took, then I chose my official wake up time.
5. Reschedule Your Bedtime
Its said that its best to get a minimum 8 hours of sleep. Based on your new wake up time, you need to choose the proper bed time. This will allow you to have enough rest so in the morning you'll be able to complete all of your tasks. Hence why I now wake up at 6am in the morning. This allows me to complete cleaning, cooking, exercising, relaxing, primping and pampering.
Keep in Mind...
You have to get your body used to waking up earlier. I took about one and a half weeks to get used to waking up at 6am.
Be disciplined. You won't be able to hold onto a good habit if you aren't consistent with it.
Change your mindset about waking up early. If you're a night owl like me, you may look at waking up early as a real challenge. Remind yourself of the benefits of waking up early & what you want to accomplish.
Try out your new morning routine for about 1 week then adjust as needed. You may realize that you like to take extra long showers in the morning or you may want to dedicate your reading time to in the evening instead. Allow yourself to learn what truly works for you in the morning.
What are you including your productive morning routine? What are good habits that you’re going to start to do in the morning?
Comment Below!
Let’s Chat Dolls.
Always with Love,
Ebony Nikita Okeke
Great post! I’m trying to do better with my mornings now, so this is very helpful.
so funny I moved from New York to be a housewife in Dominica