Hello Dolls!
I‘ve had this idea for a while and due to some encouragement from my instagram blog page @EbonyNikitaBlog, I’ve decided to create a NEW blog segment called Wife Wednesday!
I’ve created this weekly segment to connect and share with no other than you Dolls! Some of you may be married, engaged, in a relationship or simply single. Which ever relationship status you may hold, you just might have the same desire as me. The desire to be a loving, virtuous, caring and feminine lady in a healthy relationship and lifestyle. Simply to be your best self for yourself and for your man.

Within this segment I’ll be sharing my personal thoughts, experiences, interests and advice as a married woman.
Some of you may know that I am a newlywed of 1 year! You may have seen my husband in a couple of my YouTube videos.
I believe we all can relate on the fact that relationships aren’t the easiest thing, but they sure are beautiful. Life isn’t the easiest thing, but it sure is beautiful.
You Dolls can look forward to posts involving married lifestyle tips and advice, honestly shared experiences, femininity & self-love advice and more on this segment! In return I only ask you Dolls to share some of your thoughts about my different topics and experiences that I will be posting about! If there a subject you’d like to specific chat about then let me know!
I would like my blog to be a open safe space for us Dolls to be honest and sincere with each other. As feminine ladies, we realize and cherish our relationships with high value. Which is one of the reasons why I create this weekly segment.

If you haven’t already, sign up and join the Dollhouse! When you join my Blog’s community, you’ll be able to leave comments, create a profile, follow others & more! It’s only 2 easy steps to join AND you’ll be UPDATED every time there is a NEW Wife Wednesday post!
Next week I’ll be getting close AND personal with you Dolls about my first year of marriage! You don’t want to miss the next read. Join the Dollhouse!
Ebony Nikita